Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Favorite quote

This is one of my all-time favorites, courtesy of Mr. Kerouac:

"A kind of lyrical ecstasy possesses certain young Americans in the springtime, a feeling of not belonging in any one place or in any one moment, a wild restless longing to be elsewhere, everywhere, right now!"

That pretty much sums up how I feel right now. I am restless and ready for something, anything new. It's not that I'm bored, far from it. I'm just wanting the next adventure. I was in a convo about this same restlessnes/homesickness/feeling of nostalgia with JSor today and know others feels the same. It's the feeling you get when you listen to an old song and it takes you back. Except this doesn't take me back in time, this takes me forward. I don't know if I can even begin to explain it...but it's unsettling! 

It could just be a trait of a wanderer, but maybe it's something deeper. It's strange, I have roots here, stronger roots that almost anywhere else but I am ready to go. Go where? No clue. What can I explore, what can I discover, who can I meet in my travels? I could just be reacting to the full moon (it's possible, it's happened before) but I think that a new adventure is beginning. 

I'm excited. 

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