My fabu roomie, Meg, posted this a few days ago and it got me thinking about my top moments/feelings from this year. I think I’ve grown up a lot in the last 12 months and these are the top 10 things that stand out, for better or for worse.
10. A Single Man
A movie I will never ever watch again. I’m sure it was great, but the memories of the aftermath are way too painful for me to ever enjoy the movie. That night marked a turning point for me and I never want to feel that way again.
9. April 16
The day I moved out of my first Chicago home and away from a horrific and draining relationship. But as the saying goes, when a door closes a window opens. Because of this, I met some amazing people that I can now call my friends. Thank you for being there and putting up with me. It’s been a crazy 8 months.
8. Brother of mine
This year, my big brother and I grew a lot closer. I'm thankful that our relationship has grown and that I can call him one of my closest confidantes and friends. 'Tis nice when the people in your family are also your friends!
7. Lolla 2010

What can I really say about this weekend besides that it was one of the best of my life? Blue box, Mumford & Sons, sweet tea vodka, Edward Sharpe, good friends and Lady Gaga…that might be a start.
6. The Music Never Stopped
Everyone everywhere – go see this movie. I can’t remember the last time I was crying and laughing at the same time during a movie.
5. My awesome roomie

I didn’t think I would enjoy living with another female after some of my other experiences of living with girls (yeah, 507 I’m looking at you) but living with Rusty and the little man has honestly been one of the best/most healthy things I’ve done in a really long time. Between the wine nights, discussions on life and nights out on the town (even though you tend to Houdini!), I know I've found a great friend. Rusty – I’m forever in your debt and will miss you when you leave Chi for bigger and better things!
4. Anchors

A few weeks after I turned 25, I gave myself a birthday present, one that I'd been thinking about for a long time. I got a small white tattoo on the inside of my left wrist. It reminds me of where I came from and where I'm going.
3. Concerts

2. This sunrise

I’ve seen a lot of sunrises in my day but this was the best. A new friend and I went bar hopping then made our way to the lake about 20 minutes before the sunrise. We found my favorite spot in the city and watched the sun rise over the lake and talked about life. I’ll never forget that night, and the fact that he let me wear his shoes on the way home. Even though we aren't as close as we once were, I care about him and the memories we made.
1. Diplomat’s Son
The song of the summer. I will forever remember this song as personifying a perfect day that started with a bike ride to the beach and ended with a late-night ride down the Drive in a convertible with the top down blasting this song at top volume.