When I hear music, I fear no danger.
I am invulnerable. I see no foe.
I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.
- Henry David Thoreau
It’s funny how a song can take you back to a different time. I was playing with the genius option on my iTunes (one of the coolest things I’ve discovered lately), and an old favorite came up. As soon as the first chords started playing, I was no longer in my apartment in the city. I was transported back to high school sitting on my then-boyfriend’s bed and listening to him play guitar. A flood of memories came back of our short-lived romance, including some that I had forgotten about. He taught me a lot about life, including many things I didn’t understand until recently. Although it ended badly, which I know was my fault, I know if I ever need him somehow he’ll know. So thanks T, wherever you are!
Music has always been my escape. In my younger days, it helped me tune out the chaos and focus on the race, game, or just the moment. As I’ve grown up, my taste in music has also changed, but I will still always have “those” songs. It’s funny, whenever I meet someone new, I “assign” a song to them and each time I hear it, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I think of that person and all we shared.
College is probably the best example of this, when I hear certain songs I think of a specific moment in time or in some cases, a lifetime worth of memories. To this day, I can’t listen to Alan Jackon’s “Remember When” without thinking of those Salem summers and Tomias.
I love how music can bring such strong responses out of people. Maybe that’s why I’m so excited about this summer and the all the music festivals. Lolla is going to be great…so many friends and so much music to make new memories to.
And yes…I still listen to “Murder on the Dance Floor.”